Category Archives: Health Services

Studies Suggest THC Could Kill Cancer Cells

A number of studies reveal that cannabinoids—such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) found in medical marijuana—have the ability to reduce the size of cancer cells and even kill it. In one study, researchers administered THC into mice with human tumors. The result? THC caused the tumor to shrink. In another study, two human patients with dangerously aggressive brain tumors were given THC intercranially. Upon analysis, the same results as that of the mice were observed: a significant reduction in the size of the cancer cells. Read the rest of this entry

How to Use a Meadical Marijuana Dispensary

As of October 30, 2014, medical marijuana is legal in 23 states (plus the District of Columbia) under a variety of conditions. Most of them, however, allow the drug to be distributed or obtained from dispensaries only, and even that has certain requirements that must be met. Thus, people who need the drug to help treat their conditions are advised to refer to their state’s marijuana law(s) for specific information. Read the rest of this entry

3 Ways to Maintain Your Dispensary’s Security

Like any other business, security becomes an issue when you operate medicinal marijuana dispensaries, especially since your products are highly valuable and possibly addictive. Your business can be a high-risk target for petty delinquencies and grave crimes alike. Crime rates of break-ins involving marijuana dispensaries are even getting higher in some states, and suspects range from troublesome youths to organized cartels.

With these threats proliferating, how can you protect your valuable investment? How can you make sure your products are secure so that those who really need them can acquire their prescriptions? Consider these three tips to maintain your dispensary’s security. Read the rest of this entry

Legal Marijuana in Focus: Hawaii

The proper climate for growing marijuana depends on the strain. The more common cannabis sativa grows in tropical climates, given that their seeds originate from tropical countries such as Mexico, Colombia, and Southeast Asia. Due to lack of chlorophyll, cannabis sativa plants must receive more light to pack a more potent punch than its sibling, cannabis indica.

Hawaii fits the bill compared with the other states and D.C. The island state has been growing pot way before the legalization, often at the mercy of airborne drug patrols and narcotic sniffers. Given the state’s produce-growing history, however, Hawaiian pot is widely considered as one of the best pots in the country. Read the rest of this entry

Business Tips for Cannabis Dispensaries

With more and more states legalizing the use of medical marijuana, cannabis dispensaries have become one of the hottest business opportunities today. If you plan on opening one yourself, be sure to heed these crucial tips:

Lower Cultivation Expenses

Marijuana leaves are the bread and butter of any dispensary, but you have to grow the plants first. That doesn’t mean you need to buy a plot of land, though, which is very expensive. Many operators, especially in urban areas, use warehouses instead to cultivate marijuana, thereby reducing operating costs. Read the rest of this entry

Legal Marijuana in Focus: Maine

States that allowed medical marijuana before 2009 faced a serious hurdle back then. While state laws permitted the sale of medical marijuana, federal laws may not; and even if you consumed weed within a state where the drug was legal, federal law trumps all under the supremacy clause. It’s like your big brother gets a bigger allowance because he’s older.

Maine is one of those states. When it legalized medical marijuana in 1999, the state immediately came in conflict with federal law, which still considered it an illicit substance. As a result, even with 61 percent of Maine approving legalized pot—one of the highest referendum results on legalizing pot—lawful distribution remained nearly inactive for ten years. Read the rest of this entry

What It Means to be a Registered Patient

Cannabis has long been held to help relieve symptoms associated with medical conditions like cancer, arthritis, and multiple sclerosis. Studies are continuously being conducted around the world to substantiate these assumptions. A recent study published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry reveals that an active component of marijuana has anti-tumor effects.

If you have a loved one who’s currently dealing with cancer, the option of using medical marijuana to minimize associated symptoms is worth considering. However, your loved one has to undergo a process and register as a patient first before he or she can get access to medical cannabis from licensed dispensaries. What does it mean to be a registered patient?

Registration rules vary from state to state, but basically, this means that patients will first have to verify with their doctor if their condition qualifies and if cannabis will be helpful. Afterward, they need to fill out a patient application form. This is typically available online through their state’s Department of Health website.

Patients can choose to designate a caregiver on their behalf to pick up the medical cannabis. The caregiver can either be a professional or a non-professional caregiver. Having a designated caregiver is a smart option for patients who find it difficult to head out to dispensaries themselves. Patients, though, will have to submit a form stating an individual as their designated caregiver.

Bankruptcies are Tricky for the Marijuana Industry

Even if marijuana is legal in a good number of states, it is still illegal federally. For this reason, apart from complying with state laws, owners of medical marijuana dispensaries must also learn to navigate federal laws so they can operate accordingly. Especially when filing for bankruptcy, conflict between state and federal laws can cause a lot of problems to those in the marijuana industry.

Filing for federal bankruptcy is a viable option…

When business owners go under, they have the option to file for bankruptcy in a federal court in order to liquidate or reorganize their business assets. Filing for bankruptcy gives borrowers the chance to keep some of their assets so they can continue to operate and even keep their creditors from suing.

but not for marijuana business owners

The problem with marijuana business owners filing for bankruptcy is that, as stated earlier, marijuana is illegal under federal law. In Colorado, a U.S. District Bankruptcy Court decision states that marijuana dispensaries cannot file for federal court bankruptcy as long as federal law deems marijuana illegal.

This predicament should be a wakeup call for marijuana business owners who assume that bankruptcy laws do not apply to them. If your marijuana business is experiencing financial difficulties, experts advise that you resolve your dispute in a state court to ensure that what you are doing is legal.

Medical Marijuana is Good—According to 23 States

The legalization of marijuana for medicinal purposes is currently one of the hottest topics in the U.S. As far as the federal government is concerned, marijuana is a dangerous drug (under the Controlled Substances Act) and should, therefore, be banned. Yet this view hasn’t stopped 23 states—indeed, even Washington, DC itself—from enacting laws that allow controlled distribution of the drug for those who need it. As of July 17, 2014, Florida, Pennsylvania, and Ohio might be the next states to legalize the drug. Read the rest of this entry

Finding a Location for Marijuana Dispensaries

The number of states that authorized marijuana for medical purposes is continuously increasing, with Maryland and Minnesota being recently added to the list. Business owners in these states who see potential in setting up a medical marijuana dispensary can start looking for locations now. Unfortunately, these dispensaries don’t work the same way as normal brick-and-mortar shops. There are several things to consider: Read the rest of this entry